We offer a wide range of tax services to businesses and individuals.
- Tax Return Preparation
- Individuals
- Businesses (C Corporations, S Corporations, Partnerships, LLC's, Self-Employed)
- Trusts
- Nonprofit
- Tax Planning and Projections
- Estimated tax liability projections
- Year end distribution planning
- Year end salary and bonus calculations
- Tax diagnostic - Prior Year Return Review
Owning your own business is a full time job, let us help free up some of your time by assisting with the accounting work so you can do what you are good at.
- Monthly Reconciliations
- Accounting Review
- Financial Statement Preparation
- Analyze, interpret, and communicate your company data so you can make your next move
There are many decisions to be made through the various stages of life and as a business owner, let us guide you to make the decisions to help you achieve your goals.
- Set up online accounting system
- Retirement Planning
- Business advisory services
- Entity Selection and Restructuring